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As I mentioned in another section, I love photography. Being able to capture the moment has been something I loved doing since I was very young. Growing up, my sister would take many pictures, I feel that might be another way I came to love it. I started off with basic outdoor nature videography and photography, but overtime I began to expand that circle and now enjoy taking pictures of everything. One of my favorite things to capture is off-guard, candid pictures of my friends. I enjoy this because it doesn't feel posed or staged, its natural. I enjoy taking pictures which people pose for as well, but my favorites are the random ones. As for the videography, I love to take videos of things I know I'll want to remember, then when I get home, I'll make it into a video collage, or edit. Another photography-related thing I love doing is experimenting with disposable cameras. It's exciting being able to see how the pictures turn out after you develop them.  

Pictures I've taken:

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